Wednesday 8 August 2012

Missing the arch in (modern residential) architecture

This is something I've been thinking about for years, but haven't bothered blogging about it before.. Well, today I was just after pinning a boxy modern residential house, when I decided to make a whole new board for Expensive boxes.

For some reason, it just seems that most modern residential architecture is very boxy. I realise that sometimes it's a case of having to maximise a small space or minimise the building cost, but often people have had the money and space, yet they've ended up paying loads of money for someone to come up with yet another box, or a combo of stacked boxes..

Source: via Stella on Pinterest

Boxy doesn't necessarily mean that the house is ugly. Depending on the setting and the materials used, it can look very nice - although, I would personally never really want to live in a box, if I had a choice..

Often it IS rather ugly, though.. Especially if they have just "made a statement" by placing a fugly box in the middle of beautiful nature, or in between beautiful old buildings.. Face it - the box will be an eyesore..

See more Expensive boxes on Pinterest..

Source: via Stella on Pinterest

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